Be partner with Sipdex, we are reaching further…
Sipdex is committed to deliver the most innovative unified communication to the world. Our expertise customers need to count on Sipdex distributors and technology partners. That’s why we need to collaborate more closely to bring our customers a comprehensive solutions to their business needs.
Sipdex is expanding our distribution partner network, and we appreciate your interest in exploring a possible partnership with us. Our joint objective will be to take your business to the next level.
Contact us
General Line: (852) 3900 1978
Our Address:
1) Hong Kong Office:
Flat G, 4/F, Effort Industrial Building,
2-8 Kung Yip Street, Kwai Chung, NT, Hong Kong.
香港 新界 葵涌 工業街 2 - 8 號
力豐工業大廈 4樓 G室
2) Shenzhen Support Center | 深圳支援中心 :
Room 509 ,Block 1 Arts and Crafts Building ,Zhenhua Road, Futian, Shenzhen, Guandong
廣東省 深圳市 福田區 振華路55號 工藝大廈1棟 509室